Tag Archives: protein

Tropical Smoothie


This makes for a great on the go breakfast, or even post workout drink with over 11g of protein!

Serving Size: 1


  • 1 banana
  • 1 cup of sliced pineapple
  • 1 small honey chobani yogurt (peach or plain work well too)
  • 3-4 ice cubes

Blend together and you are good to go!!


Guilt-free Chocolate Peanut Butter Mugcake


Happy Friday everyone! Once again, it is time for “Friends Feeding Friends”. This one comes from someone who is like a sister to me. She is my cousin, best friend, and partner in crime. This simple dessert is a great way to get that protein in after a workout… and tastes just like a regular cake! Check out her Instagram ketchupwithmeee for other mugcake recipes! Show her some love by following. You can follow my instagram also (lolosayshello) which sometimes has extra LLC recipes on it.

Want to have your cake and eat it too, but not break a healthy lifestyle? This mug cake tastes like a 1000 calorie indulgence, but the healthy ingredients let you enjoy this cake guilt-free! It is a perfect single serving, super moist, and will most definitely satisfy your sweet tooth. Keep in mind that if you don’t have some of the ingredients listed here, then you can easily get creative and substitute!

Cake Ingredients:
2tbs chocolate protein powder
2 tbs cocoa (hot chocolate) powder
A pinch of baking soda
2 tbs all-purpose flour
1/2 tbs cinnamon
½ tsp vanilla extract
¼ cup almond milk
Note: if you do not have protein powder on hand, then substitute an additional 1-2tbs of cocoa powder

Frosting Ingredients:
A dallop of peanut butter
Warm water

1) Spray mug with nonstick cooking spray.
2) Combine all cake ingredients in the mug and mix until it forms a batter consistency.
3) Put the peanut butter in a microwave-safe bowl and microwave for 30 seconds to create a smoother consistency. Remove from microwave.
4) Microwave mug cake for 1 minute (1:00). Remove from microwave and let cool.
5) Microwave the peanut butter for an additional 15 secs (:15) – do this in two intervals because if you microwave peanut butter too long then it turns into a cookie-like substance! Slowly add warm water to thin out the consistency – start with 1 tsp, and continue to add slowly until you reach your desired consistency.
6) Remove the mug cake, top with the peanut butter frosting, and enjoy this little piece of heaven!

Happy baking!


*If you would like to participate in Live, Laugh, Cooking’s Friday segment of “Friends Feeding Friends”, comment below or message our Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/livelaughcooking – I would simply need a picture, ingredients, and steps. If you have a cooking blog, I will be sure to provide a link to your blog that people may refer to.*